
Simple, yet enough

Hello faithful on-lookers, droolers and friends. Having been away from the city for so long now I have oodles of pictures. Well, that's only half true. I have done a number of cakes through the summer, however I have only brought my camera to set up twice. Twice! Sigh. Perhaps I'll dig up my 35mm and keep it in the car for occasions such as these. I'm now at the mercy of moms, brides, and friends for any picture they can spare me. Must make more lists!

On to the picture now. here is a new one, four layers, carrot cake with cream cheese filling, with my own fondant covering it. (which is so delicious and soft, not like the premade) .Each layer is wrapped in a burgundy ribbon and the flowers are freshly cut lilies from where else, Neepawa Manitoba. There's a perk of having to drive the cakes in from Clear Lake. I can stop and pick up custom items along the way. The cake itself is modestly decorated, as the table makes up for it. There were rose petals, twinkle lights, candles and a ceramic "I Do". Hand made by the brides father I believe.

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